Naked Truth Blog

The Naked Truth blog explores our very natural human tendency to lie and its effect on our relationships. This includes how self-deception influences our romantic partnerships, friendships, family dynamics, eating and body image, interaction with diverse cultural groups, and our relationship to ourselves. For it’s only when we become aware of our self-deceptive tendencies that we can challenge them and powerfully emerge into more authentic selves.

You can read it here or on Psychology Today.

Cortney Warren Blog

Naked Truth Blog

"The Naked Truth explores how your ability to be honest with yourself affects your life. Although the topics I explore vary widely, the aim of the blog is to explore how honest self-awareness and understanding are key to your life fulfillment. For only when you are honest with yourself can you change."

You can read it here or on Psychology Today.

Live As If You’ll Die Tomorrow—Write a Will Today

Writing a will is not something that most of us think about. Or talk about. Or want to think or talk about....

The Naked Truth about Human Sex Trafficking

I will never forget the first patient I treated who was the victim of sexual trauma and kidnapping. A 16-year-old immigrant who...

I Want Chocolate!

‘Tis the season of decadent chocolate desserts! Milk, dark, or white, chocolate dominates the top-ranking cookies, cakes, and recipes of the season....

Did I Really Just Tell You That?

Picture yourself meeting someone for the first time at a social event.  You strike up a conversation. Before you can stop yourself,...

Music Is What Feelings Sound Like

Most of us absolutely love music. We are compelled by it. We are provoked by it. We are moved by it. We...

Do You Love Me? Did You Miss Me?

Picture yourself in a romantic relationship. You wake up one morning and are feeling down, which happens to all of us from...

To Change or Not To Change

As humans, we typically hate change. We would rather stay the same than dive into the unknown. There is a feeling of safety in...

How Do I Know When I Am Lying to Myself?

Humans are masters of self-deception. We fool ourselves into believing things that are false—and—we refuse to believe things that are true (TEDx Honest Liars:...

Isla Vista: How Do People Become Mass Shooters?

Before his gun rampage on Friday in Santa Barbara, Eliot Rodgers wrote a 141-page manifesto about his difficulty making friends, his struggles...

Self-Deception and TEDxUNLV Experience

TEDxUNLV, April 11th, 2014. Honest Liars: The Psychology of Self-Deception Did I really agree to give a TEDx talk on self-deception? What...